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I have a bunch of files in .ROI format, that I need to convert into something useable by ArcGIS. Each .ROI file has 3 fields - lat, long, and a temperature value - and there is about a million rows. I've managed to convert one into a .IMG file using a manual ROI --> convert to CSV --> convert to shapefile --> convert to raster process, in Excel and ArcGIS. This took about 3 hours. So, with 20 of them to do (and more in the future) I'm hoping to find a better solution.

I'm new to FME, and have had a couple of attempts but I'm not really sure what I'm doing so hopefully there is someone out there who does! FME doesn't appear to read a .ROI file, so I'll have to do a manual conversion to CSV, then go from there.

*Edit: I think .ROI files were exported from ENVI or MATLAB, as I can't find much else that will read them.

Any assistance on this is appreciated!

Hi @reenderbuikema, If you can get these files into csv you should have no trouble converting into something readable by ArcGIS - GeoTiff or something similar, perhaps ECW or ERS. Using a 3DForcer transformer on the Temperature Values to create z values and then use a NumericRasterizer before writing out to your preferred format. Are the ROI files readable by notepad? If so the CSV reader might be able to read them anyway.

Thanks for your reply @MattAtSafe - they are readable in Notepad, and I can save a CSV from there. I'll try the tools you've suggested and see how I go. Thanks again!
