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I need to georeference a tiff image of a town in Illinois in WGS 1984 Web Mercator (auxillary sphere). The county's data is in NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois East FIPS 1201 Feet. ArcMap's georeferencing tool is not able to accurately make the tiff image into a map and I think the difference in projection is the reason. So I have downloaded the map of the town from OpenStreetMap. I did a conversion in FME of the attributes I thought would be relevant:

Here's the output for the highways attribute in Inspector with Inspector's Background Map:

Here are the format attributes I am exposing:

The geometry for every attribute is point. I do not understand why a boundary, highway or a route would be represented by a point. Highway has the most features and the other attributes' features all occupy the same spot as a highway feature. My goal is to get a map that in web mercator spheroid projection that I can use to georeference the tiff image. Is this possible? Thank you..

Hello @regulusdeneb


Could share us again the images?




By the way, I see this tutorial page - OSM to SHP - but it does not lead to the tutorial.
