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Hi, to start off I've got to admit to having no experience of Esri SHP files but have been asked by a colleague to provide some map background information in this format for use on some mobile units.  I thought it would be easy to tag an additional FME workspace onto my existing GZ to TAB routines to provide this.



From what I can see SHP requires a separate file for each geometry type which differs from TAB's combined approach, converstion seems simple enough as I should just be able to create a MapInfo TAB reader and then an Esri SHP writer for each type of geomtery.



The problem I am having is that I don't know how to convert the text from TAB to SHP as there does not appear to be a text geometry type available in the SHP writer.  I'm probably missing something simple but any assistance would be appreciated.



Many thanks



you can try using a GeometryCoercer to force the text into point features. You can then store the text label as a regular attribute in the shape file.



1. Shape file will accept only one geometry (point or line or polygon)


2. Each text should be attached to the feature (either point or line or polygon) with User attributes.
Many thanks David / Pratap, exposing the appropriate mapinfo_ attributes and then using the GeometryCoercer to attach these as attributes to a point seems to have allowed me to save the text data as SHP points and then recreate the text at the other end.
