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Hi, Im trying to convert my from Esri shapefile to PostgreSQL database, but the result is not good because the geometry is gone. Im using FME for the first time and dont know where is the problem. Please help!

Are you using the PostgreSQL writer or the PostGIS writer?

If you want to write any geometries, you need to use the PostGIS writer.

I used PostgreSQL writer. I also tried PostGIS writer but didn`t got any result. Should I install some extension to PostgreSQL?

Best regards and thank you

I used PostgreSQL writer. I also tried PostGIS writer but didn`t got any result. Should I install some extension to PostgreSQL?

Best regards and thank you

Yes, you'll need to add the PostGIS extenstion to your PostgreSQL database, see for more information.



The Postgresql writer will not write any geometries. You need to first install the PostGIS extensions into your Postgresql instance.

You then have to execute the following command in each of your spatially enabled databases:


More information here:

You can then use the PostGIS writer in FME to write the geometries.
