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Hi there, I have some features coming from a 3D DGN as lines, and I want to convert these into a solid or brep surface. Can't see any easy way to do this, anyone tried this? You can see the output I get from reading the features below:

I've tried various methods already including surface modeller, chopping the lines into points and rebuilding, but nothing seems to work. It helps that each distinct object is from a block so they have different block numbers on which they can be grouped, but still fazing me...

Have you tried the SolidBuilder?

Hi @gnrevolution, just an idea. If all the object are horizontal plate-like shapes, this might work.

  1. Aggregator: Once aggregate the lines for each group.
  2. BoundsExtractor: Extract zmin and zmax.
  3. Deaggregator: Decompose the aggregate into the original lines.
  4. 2DForcer: Force them into 2D.
  5. AreaBuilder: Create 2D polygons for each group.
  6. 3DForcer: Force them into 3D by zmin.
  7. Extruder: Extrude them by (zmax - zmin).
