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attribute value of a field in a specific order of my attribute


I have an issue as I would like to sort my output kml file in a hierarchical way. I have for the moment sort by country (alphabetic, 1order), by year(numeric,2 order) and I would like to sort now by month but not in an alphabetical way, but from jan, feb, mar...... That means in a monthly order. I have got the value in a field of my shapefile, but I do not know how to display it correctly by month.



Does anybody know the way to do it ?



Thanks in advance!


Use an attributevaluemapper to assign a number to a month




Jan = 1


Feb  = 2


Mar = 3 etc. and then sort by this new attribute


Thank you for your answer.


I tried to add attributevaluemapper on my long process but it did not work. Maybe I did not add the right parameters or I did not add this attributevaluemapper at the right place. Could you tell me if there some parameters to add?





After many many tries it works. Thanks for your solution!
