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I need to update an arcmap sde feature but just one column. I use feature merger to join the data I am planning to use to update the SDE. However, I have found featuremerger to be really hit and miss, often it won't join all the features that should be.

The main issue I am having is after feature merger there are 17 features that are joined. I then want to update my SDE (which was also the input) based on the join. It runs successfully but won't update my fields.

The workflow looks like this

Reader A

Reader B featuremerger Attribute manager Writer

I need an attribute from reader b to update the writer which is the same feature as reader A

About the FeatureMerger, It will (with default settings) not add attributes from B on A if that attribute already exists on A.

You can use the attribute settings to either tell it to use the Supplier attributes when conflicting or add a prefix to the supplier attributes. That allows you to use the supplier attributes for the update. (see doc section on Attribute Accumulation)

Hi @sylvia81, what have you set on the Writer for updates?

About the FeatureMerger, It will (with default settings) not add attributes from B on A if that attribute already exists on A.

You can use the attribute settings to either tell it to use the Supplier attributes when conflicting or add a prefix to the supplier attributes. That allows you to use the supplier attributes for the update. (see doc section on Attribute Accumulation)

sorry - I forgot to add I have set the feature merger to supplier attributes only. I'm only trying to add one field from the supplier anyway to my feature

Hi @sylvia81, what have you set on the Writer for updates?

I have tried to use the field I need updating as the key ID
