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This morning, FME Server started to throw errors writing <NULL> values to numeric values using the ArcGIS Online Writer. Everything was working until Esri upgraded AGOL overnight. We've submitted a ticket to Esri, but wanted to submit a question here as well.

The error we're getting is: ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: 'addResults' error for a feature in 'AVL DB'. The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'Attribute 'Right Wing Plow State' has an invalid value of ''. The value should be data type esriFieldTypeDouble.'

We were able to successfully add a feature via the REST API using the following:

"geometry" : {"x" : -94.44920, "y" : 41.88339},
"attributes" : {
"LABEL" : "Test Insert",

Does anyone have the syntax needed to write version of a <NULL> value to AGOL?



Got notification from ESRI today that they will be fixing this bug later tonight. For reference: BUG-000101505 : Add Features request fails for
ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Service when using empty quotes to pass a NULL
value to a field type of Double or Single/Float.]

Got notification from ESRI today that they will be fixing this bug later tonight. For reference: BUG-000101505 : Add Features request fails for
ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Service when using empty quotes to pass a NULL
value to a field type of Double or Single/Float.]

Thanks for posting this, I thought I had a data issue on my end and was trying to figure it out. Do you have things working now? I don't have access to the ESRI support site to check the bug status but I'm still having trouble writing nulls..



I've been searching for that bug on ESRI Support, but I can't find it anywhere. Hope it gets resolved soon.

ESRI Canada informed me that the bug had been marked resolved late yesterday afternoon but I'm still not able to load data. I have not had any more feedback from them yet.

More feedback from ESRI Canada and they confirm that the issue still exists. They are going to follow up with ESRI USA.

One point of note: ESRI claims that if the value <null> is passed, instead of an empty string, this process should work. I have ensured that the value I am passing to the FME AGOL Writer is <null> but the writer is converting this to "". Perhaps someone from Safe can comment on why this is being done?

More feedback from ESRI Canada and they confirm that the issue still exists. They are going to follow up with ESRI USA.

One point of note: ESRI claims that if the value <null> is passed, instead of an empty string, this process should work. I have ensured that the value I am passing to the FME AGOL Writer is <null> but the writer is converting this to "". Perhaps someone from Safe can comment on why this is being done?


So we checked into it and longer ago, the way to pass NULL was the send in an empty string. But we think we can just use a variation of the newer API and send in truly a NULL. We're making the change to FME 2017 beta now. Sadly won't be able to help all y'all that are using 2016 or older but at least moving forward we can win. Ideally the backwards compatibility can be maintained for AGOL to still honor an empty string as meaning NULL -- I'd be surprized if FME were the only client that was doing this.

More feedback from ESRI Canada and they confirm that the issue still exists. They are going to follow up with ESRI USA.

One point of note: ESRI claims that if the value <null> is passed, instead of an empty string, this process should work. I have ensured that the value I am passing to the FME AGOL Writer is <null> but the writer is converting this to "". Perhaps someone from Safe can comment on why this is being done?

Thanks Dale. Hopefully ESRI can do something to help out for current versions of FME.



ESRI have now resolved the issue and I was able to write features with empty attribute values.
