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I have a workspace that I am attaching here . Its function is to cut the trails using the first network limit, now besides making this cut, I also need to cut the trails using park, but always creating polygons with the remaining cut parts.


P.S. all input file are DWG





In this workspace if I use only network works perfectly (see image), but if I enter the park layer, the following error below appears:



INDEX FAILURE - requested predicate not implemented



Why does it happen? Can you help me?


Seemingly a single polygon for each location, but almost same two polygons overlap each other in fact. I think it's the reason why invalid geometries were generated.

This workspace example might help you: example.fmwt (FME 2018.1.0.3)

Seemingly a single polygon for each location, but almost same two polygons overlap each other in fact. I think it's the reason why invalid geometries were generated.

This workspace example might help you: example.fmwt (FME 2018.1.0.3)

I'm very grateful for your attention.


You always help me a lot.


Thank you very much



One question, because you used the buffer with -0.5 in your workspace?





One question, because you used the buffer with -0.5 in your workspace?



You could understand why the negative buffering was required, if you removed the Bufferer and run the workspace ;-)
