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My translation writes features to spatial and non spatial Oracle tables in a given order.

The problem is that any eventual DB related error should be reported to a web service and also logged to an xls file.

I'm using Featurewriters to control the writing order ​but the Featurewriter transformer has no Rejected port. How do I catch DB errors then?

SQLExecutor is fine for non spatial tables but not for spatial tables with complex geometries (due to the character number limitation for sql statements).​

Should I keep the Featurewriter approach and use a shutdown python script to catch DB errors and do the Excel and web service part​? Is there any other option?

Thanks for the help.​

Unfortunately this is a known weakness with the FeatureWriter, please consider adding your vote here:

I would've used FeatureWriter + Python for this. You could also consider wrapping your workspace into a second (master) workspace, in which you could e.g. analyze the logs messages output from the FeatureWriter.

Unfortunately this is a known weakness with the FeatureWriter, please consider adding your vote here:

I would've used FeatureWriter + Python for this. You could also consider wrapping your workspace into a second (master) workspace, in which you could e.g. analyze the logs messages output from the FeatureWriter.

I'm voting right away.​

