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I'm using a series of 'SQL Executor', 'FeatureWriter' and 'AzureBlobStorageConnector' transformers to extract data via an Oracle SQL connection, write it to a .csv file (via a 'TempPathnameCreator') and upload it to Azure Blob Storage.


It has been working, albeit intermittently. More often than not it is failing to write to Azure Blob with a rejection code of "UPLOAD_ERROR" and a rejection message of "'('Connection aborted.', timeout('The write operation timed out'))".


I'm unsure if this is something I can fix, or if the problem is on the FME end, or the Azure end.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @cjones28,

Did you try to simplify your workspace and try to only upload one of the files that do file with the AzureBlobStorageConnector? It sounds like you are writing the file in that you upload in the same workspace, so you will have to make sure that the file is written completely before uploading it.

If the files in question do also time out when you try to upload them to Azure Blob Storage with a single Creator & AzureBlobStorageConnector, please reach out to our technical support and share a complete log file of your translation if possible:

I hope this helps!
