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I've got a longer workflow which downloads and processes data triggered by change in a webservice. As of now FME Server runs automatically and creates an FGDB-ouput.

Since I've also got a map series in ArcMap which I use to produce PDF-maps based on the data created by FME, I'd like to automate the whole workflow.

Is there any best practice on how I can trigger this through FME?

You can use the ExportToPDF() function in the ArcGIS arcpy.mapping module from a shutdown script in your workspace. If you know a little Python it is pretty straight-forward.

This article is a good starting point:

Here's a more detailed tutorial:

Note that you will first have to change the FME python interpreter so that it can find the arcpy libraries:

Thanks, sounds pretty straightforward. I was hoping there was some kind of hidden command line for ArcMap, but Python will do.
