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I have a shapefile and I am writing the output according to the according to the attributr name of the input shapefile. The input shapefile has korean language. Now, if I export the according to the attribute, language is not getting exported correctly by FME. How can we resolve this issue !!



Which character encoding(s) did you specify when creating the reader and the writer?





Hi David.


No. It was default encoding. Yet, I tried using utf-8 and many others, but none of them worked. !!
I think the most important thing is to verify that the encoding is set exactly the same way on both the reader and the writer.



UTF-8 would normally be a good bet, although I must admit I do not know anything about the korean character sets.





I tried using utf-8 in both reader and writer, but it didn't work properly. Its not particulary about Korean d/s, I have many European d/s as well which have different languages.


Are there any other methods to solve the issue.
@dewan -- please do follow up with -- this should work. We'll need the workspace and the data and ideally also your log file.

What locale is the computer set up as? If the source is a Korean encoding, then I doubt telling FME it is UTF8 would help, nor would using the default encoding if you're not on a Korean system.

Hi @dewan


there might be two possible causes of this problem:


  • maybe the source data is not in UTF-8 and when you set the Shape Reader Character Encoding to UTF-8 the Reader interprets the data incorrectly
please inspect your your source data with Data Inspector, set the Shape Reader Characters Encoding to UTF-8 and confirm that the data does look OK;


if the data looks garbled please try to set the Reader Character encoding to <nothing> to let the Reader get the encoding information from the data (if available);




  • maybe your Shape Writer has an incorrect Character Encoding setting
by default, the Shape Writer Character Encoding is set to SYSTEM which means system locale default encoding - this will work if your system locale is set to Korean(Korea);


you might want to set the Writer Character Encoding to <nothing> to let the Writer preserve the encoding as is.


If these steps do not help please follow up with as @daleatsafe suggested above.

