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I have an FME process connected to our GIS Portal to clip, reproject and label data for AutoCAD export. The user toggles on layers in the viewer and draws a polygon around area of interest and this is passed in my process to clip features, reproject and label if set to label in process and export a AutoCAD 3D Object Data drawing. I have been trying to resolve issue of blank object data tables for text layers and also creation of object data tables on objects not selected for export but are in my process for labeling and styling purposes.



Did you use the AUOCAD_OD writer?


For if i create text objects and add the attributes to the writer, all attributes selected appear in Autocad as objectdata.


Do you have a sample data and (relevant part) of workspace for us to play with?



Did you use the AUOCAD_OD writer?


For if i create text objects and add the attributes to the writer, all attributes selected appear in Autocad as objectdata.


Do you have a sample data and (relevant part) of workspace for us to play with?

I use the OD writer and I use MSSQL AZURE SPATIAL Reader to extract from database


AS i can't see your workspace, so i must ask: did you actually add the attributes to the writer (dynamically or not).

For that is mandatroy to get the data to the objectdatatable.



