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I am using ArcSDEQuerier with only an attribute query to fetch geometry for features.


The where clause uses an attribute value populated by an earlier SQLCreator transformer:




I have noticed that the query running in Oracle uses a hard-coded value rather than a bind variable.  This adversely affects performance.


Is there any reason why the ArcSDEQuerier does not use bind variables?


Also is there way to alter the SDE connection CURSOR_SHARING session parameter before running the translation so that I can force the use of bind variables? 



I am using FME 2012 desktop, the Oracle version is 10g and ArcSDE version is 9.3.





for what it's worth, the SQLExecutor doesn't bind variables either, so I guess it's by design.



Which is a pity, both because of performance but it also makes it a little more complicated when you want to pass string values that contain quotes (Oracle specific solution here).



