I am trying to read data from an ArcGIS Server Feature Service and am running into an issue with FME accepting the token. When I enter the Service URL into the parameters dialog, put the token in the token field and then test the connection by clicking the button to view the layers list I get an error that tells me it's an invalid token.
To access the feature service I have to log into a website using a username and password. From there I have to cut a token to connect to allow FME to authenticate to the ArcGIS Server service. I have no way of validating that the token I generated is correct but I followed the steps outlined in the following ESRI support document so I assume it is correct:
The one suspicious piece of the puzzle is that my token seems to be truncated somewhat. Maybe its standard but each token I've generated ends in "..". This just does not seem right and I was hoping that maybe someone has experience trying to read data from a feature service that is set up in this way.
Any help would be much appreciated.