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I keep on getting this error:

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Could not find a layer/table matching feature type 'count'

What does it mean? How can I resolve it?

Hi @dta255


Would you be able to post a log file from your translation? Are you attempting to write to an existing layer and feature service or create a new one?



Make sure you're linked to the right service.

Make sure you're linked to the right service.

I am going in and out of this problem over and over and over ....after it worked perfectly last week



I am pointing the writers directly to the parameters and AGOl feature services and it sees them and OK and then it fails at the last second of the writer part.....does this every time now ...ran perfect last week ...



There is nothing no entry no layer no word that you can put in the writer to make it find what you have pointed it to and what it says it sees and connects to in the writer set up



What is going on .....can anyone help with this as I have absolute connectivity and everything defined that worked last week and this week fails no matter what I do

I am going in and out of this problem over and over and over ....after it worked perfectly last week



I am pointing the writers directly to the parameters and AGOl feature services and it sees them and OK and then it fails at the last second of the writer part.....does this every time now ...ran perfect last week ...



There is nothing no entry no layer no word that you can put in the writer to make it find what you have pointed it to and what it says it sees and connects to in the writer set up



What is going on .....can anyone help with this as I have absolute connectivity and everything defined that worked last week and this week fails no matter what I do

Hi @bettsgeospatial, I noticed that you provided an answer to, where it seems like you've found the cause of this problem. Am I reading the situation correctly? Let us know if you are still struggling to find a solution. Thanks!

Thank you for your follow up ....I am learning to rebuild the Readers and the Writers and am getting it done



This is quite a bit of moving parts and each one has to be set correctly .....some get changed or altered and I do not yet understand how that happens



But I am learning here .....and getting it done as it seems you need to change things quite a bit with each iteration of running these tools




All of the problems with the Writers failing at the last instance of creating the new FS or Updating or Inserting was caused by the confusion with LICENSES and providing direct access to the Floating License needed to effectively Publish these FS



403 Error you do not have permission


404 Error failure to publish ...



I was on a non Iowa DOT network and needed the Dongle to allow FME to connect directly to the License Server



Thank you for all your help ......I got real good at taking everything apart and putting it back together again to find this problem



Connecting to the proper License is key to these Writer errors



All of the problems with the Writers failing at the last instance of creating the new FS or Updating or Inserting was caused by the confusion with LICENSES and providing direct access to the Floating License needed to effectively Publish these FS



403 Error you do not have permission


404 Error failure to publish ...



I was on a non Iowa DOT network and needed the Dongle to allow FME to connect directly to the License Server



Thank you for all your help ......I got real good at taking everything apart and putting it back together again to find this problem



Connecting to the proper License is key to these Writer errors

Thanks for the update, @bettsgeospatial. Glad to hear you got it all sorted out.
