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I created a workbench that reads attachments of AGOL feature layers and write them into a GDB. The scripts works fine for features with one attachment. However, when a feature contains multiple feature, it's only reading one in my script. Does anyone know which setting I have to set, to read all attachments for every feature?

Hi @robinrutten​ 

A couple of questions for you:

1) What version of FME are you using?

2)Does the attachment list show up on the features that have multiple attachments? If so, what happens when you add the ListExploder which should separate each attachment as its own feature?

3) If the above are not showing on the features at all, please submit a case here:




If that doesn't work, we may need to troubleshoot directly with you.


Hi @robinrutten​, your situation seems similar to step 7 in this tutorial about creating features with (multiple) attachments. It also includes an example workspace. Does this help you?

Hi @trentatsafe​ and @ernie​,


Thanks for your replies. Based on your answers, I had a deeper look into my workbench. I figured out that somewhere in the process only the list.attachment{0} was used. When I removed some attributekeepers, all attachments are now included.


Thanks again for your time.
