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Add xdata to an existing DWG file

  • 6 December 2012
  • 6 replies




I have


- 16 dwg that are our original workfiles without xdata 


- a DXF file which is the result of a FME treatment and which contains xdata


I created ID for several layers and I need to retreive this IDs so when we will update our workfiles, and I will pass them into my treatment to make a new DXF file, my IDs for existing features won't change.



I have to retreive the xdata "ACCESS1_ID" from the DXF to put it, as XDATA in my orginal files (DWG).



I have a way to merge correctly the DXF with the original files thanks to a block attribute I have kept as a xdata in the DXF.



But I don't manage to obtain a file which would be exactly the same as my workfiles (DWG) with adding xdata in it.



Thank you for your help.







Is the difference between your old and new file that some attributes are missing, or are there missing geometry on the new files?


I tried different ways....



- without template file : there's no geometry at all in the result



-defining my dwg (i'm trying to do it only on 1 dwg fisrt...) as template : the result is : i retreive my entire features in the result but instead of adding a xdata, it duplicate my blocks and there is no xdata...nowhere.....



I tried the option : fanout by attribute with fme_feature_type, so the feature will go back in the right layer in exit.



The french support found my error : 



The parameter : add data to the template (not sure it is the exact name in english... "Ajouter les données au modèle" in french), was set to : YES



All I had to do was to set it to : NO



Now i hope i will be able to do the same with the other feature type of my file and to do it with the 16 dwg files i have in the same time!
Thanks for also providing the answer, as this will be usefull for other people experiencing the same problem
I managed to retreive the data in every feature type but now I'ma having trouble to retreive it for several files at the same time.



I set 2 files in the input instead of one, and ask to fanout by fme_basename on the output.


The result is :



-on the first file, I retreive all the xdata I asked for


- on the second file, I don't retreive any xdata on the fme_line and I retreive xdata for maybe 20% of my blocks. (It should be 100%).


Something on the output must happend because when I'm visualising after the last transformer my data in the fme viewer, I can see the attribute I want to add as xdata.



Any leads?
I found out the problem just before Christmas.



I change the parameter : "output defined attributes only" to NO,



Lucky move, it worked!


