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I have a 3D polygons file that I would like to convert to obj format. I tried several times but I always have one polygon in the output that is strange.any advice or idea?


Hi @irene2018,


It looks like you might want to use a Fanout in this case. For example, in the linked workspace there are six 3D polygons in the shapefile so I am fanning out based on the Neighbor00 attribute. This will write out 6 OBJ files, one for each neighborhood polygon.



Single OBJ:


Following your advice:here is what I have,is that correct?

Following your advice:here is what I have,is that correct?

Hi @irene2018,

Is the output geometry your desired output? It looks like there are multiple polygons instead of a single polygon.

If it is not, are you able to attach your workspace and go into more detail about your desired output?

Following your advice:here is what I have,is that correct?

Hi @ChrisAtSafe ,it seems that it is the definition of yaxis up or z axis up that needs to be set ,but I cannot find the option

Hi @ChrisAtSafe ,it seems that it is the definition of yaxis up or z axis up that needs to be set ,but I cannot find the option

@irene2018 - It doesn't look like there is anything in the OBJ Writer Documentation for defining y/z axis but perhaps the CoordinateSwapper could help? This transformer allows you to swap y & z coordinates if they are not in the xyz format (as specified on the Supported OBJ File Syntax doc).
