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I have GML like this:





        <bt:KR_Obiekt gml:id="ID_707">


            <gml:boundedBy xsi:nil="true"/>






                <gml:LineString srsName="EPSG:2180" gml:id="ID_707">


                    <gml:posList>434752.25 710532.47 434752.14 710532.44 434750.4 710531.52 434748.8 710530.31 434747.34 710528.84 434746.03 710527.19 434744.88 710525.4 434743.9 710523.53 434743.08 710521.63 434742.45 710519.77</gml:posList>














                        <gml:LineString srsName="EPSG:2180" gml:id="ID_707">


                            <gml:posList>434760.13 710535.12 434770.21 710536.15</gml:posList>



















I would like to upload to oracle only geometry of my label, without geometry of: <bt:geometriaKarto>, how to do that?



If the unnecessary part is always the first part for every feature, you can decompose each feature with the Deaggregator and then simply filter out the first part by testing the "_part_number" attribute with the Tester.


Otherwise, XML operations may be useful. e.g. read the GML document with the XML reader, remove unnecessary elements with some XML transformers such as the XMLUpdater, and then create geometry with the GeometryReplacer.



