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I have tried - without success to use Notification in FME Server
(version 2015.1.3, customer's one)

I have used IMAP protocol, following Safe documentation 🙂 as follows :

I begin
with creation of a topic

(see attached image1)

Testing it,
it’s ok.

creating a publication named “IMAP Email” with these parameters :

(see attached images 2 and 3)

Then I
monitor the topic, send an email to the address , but nothing is
detected …

I activate
on my gmail account the IMAP protocol too …

that the port 7078 is open ….

I have (of
course) the same problem with subscription (in fact, my emails are never detected
by FME Server)

I need
to show this part of the configuration on the next training in the 19 and 20/9,
so don’t know what to do .

do you
have any idea about it ?


Pascal Mortz

1Spatial Lyon, France

Hi @pascalmortz,


I just wanted to confirm that the email address you are using in the publication is not as the screen shot shows.




@pascalmortz I think Richard is on to something. Also... have you looked at the FME Server logs to see what is being reported there. Unfortunately, the UI in 2015 may not be showing feedback confirming the configuration is correct.
