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Hi there!

When I update a Destination File Copy Folder from a Workbench and I publish it to FME Server, the changes aren't made into the Notifications/Subscriptions. (green arrow)

Is it normal? Is it just me? In any case, it's anoying, I've got to do it manually.

I have FME Server 2017.1


Hi @philippeb,

Thank you for reporting this problem - this does not appear to be a problem for any other format I have tested so I have filed bug FMESERVER-12167 to have this issue addressed and will update this post with any progress.


Hi again @philippeb,

After much detective work we have found the behaviour to be the following:

Once you have created and saved a workspace subscription the published parameter values become 'locked in'. This means that even if you update the default values in the workspace and republish it to FME Server the values in the subscription do not change. (This behaviour also applies to Schedules).

During my initial testing I was adding additional published parameters to test other formats and had the web browser open on the subscription and was just refreshing the page - this is why I found other values changed but the FileCopy one did not (because it had already been saved once) but once I saved the subscription with the additional parameters, these too became 'locked in' and then if I updated and republished the workspace these would also not change.

The current behaviour exists because, what if, in your subscription or schedule etc you changed the published parameters from within the web browser away from the default values - then you may not want these reset to the default every time there was a change to the workspace.

One suggestion in order to handle this would be to add a refresh button, this way the parameter values are not automatically updated, but could easily be updated to the new default values without the hassle of copy and paste. Either way, yes you would still have to edit the subscription, but this would avoid problems for users who have moved away from those default values.

This is open for discussion and it would be great to get your feedback, what are your thoughts on refresh button? Are there any other options you could see that would enable this to be handled better?

Hi again @philippeb,

After much detective work we have found the behaviour to be the following:

Once you have created and saved a workspace subscription the published parameter values become 'locked in'. This means that even if you update the default values in the workspace and republish it to FME Server the values in the subscription do not change. (This behaviour also applies to Schedules).

During my initial testing I was adding additional published parameters to test other formats and had the web browser open on the subscription and was just refreshing the page - this is why I found other values changed but the FileCopy one did not (because it had already been saved once) but once I saved the subscription with the additional parameters, these too became 'locked in' and then if I updated and republished the workspace these would also not change.

The current behaviour exists because, what if, in your subscription or schedule etc you changed the published parameters from within the web browser away from the default values - then you may not want these reset to the default every time there was a change to the workspace.

One suggestion in order to handle this would be to add a refresh button, this way the parameter values are not automatically updated, but could easily be updated to the new default values without the hassle of copy and paste. Either way, yes you would still have to edit the subscription, but this would avoid problems for users who have moved away from those default values.

This is open for discussion and it would be great to get your feedback, what are your thoughts on refresh button? Are there any other options you could see that would enable this to be handled better?

Wooouah! That's a complete answer detective! :D

I understand better why this behaviour exists now and I agree that it's possible an user would not want the default values to reset every time the workspace change.

So I think your suggestion makes sense. A Refreshing button would be easy and fast to use. No need to find the right URL and copy paste it. As we have into Run Workspace and Schedules.

But I'm thinking about something else too, don't know if it's possible or truly logic, but I think it would simplify users life. Instead of having to Reset all the places (schedules, subscription, etc) in FME Server calling an updated workspace (and potentially forget places), would it be possible to do it one time when publishing the workspace on FME Server? It could be a suggestion to the user publishing the workspace.


What do ya think? If it makes sense, maybe the user could choose what places needs to be updated, via a list or something like that.

Thanks a lot!!

Wooouah! That's a complete answer detective! :D

I understand better why this behaviour exists now and I agree that it's possible an user would not want the default values to reset every time the workspace change.

So I think your suggestion makes sense. A Refreshing button would be easy and fast to use. No need to find the right URL and copy paste it. As we have into Run Workspace and Schedules.

But I'm thinking about something else too, don't know if it's possible or truly logic, but I think it would simplify users life. Instead of having to Reset all the places (schedules, subscription, etc) in FME Server calling an updated workspace (and potentially forget places), would it be possible to do it one time when publishing the workspace on FME Server? It could be a suggestion to the user publishing the workspace.


What do ya think? If it makes sense, maybe the user could choose what places needs to be updated, via a list or something like that.

Thanks a lot!!

Hi @philippeb,

Sorry for the delayed response. This is a great idea! I have spoken to the product owner and for now we have decided to post both of these on the Ideas Hub so we can get a better idea of community interest. Please consider adding a vote to one (or both) and include any additional comments if you think I've missed something.

Refresh button

Enhance Publish Wizard

Thanks for your input 🙂
