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I'm testing out the new automations in FME Server 2019 and I am needing to chain workspaces together while passing parameters (file outputs) between them. I am not finding a way to do so without using the FME Server Job Submitter transformer that I have used in the past.

Is there a way to pass parameters between chained workspaces in the automations rather than using the job submitter transformer?



I've gone through the tutorials here: , but haven't been able to figure that out.



To elaborate on this more, the first workspace will create attributes that I then need to pass to the next chained workspace, but I'm unable to figure out how to pass the created attributes to the parameters of the next workspace. Hope this makes sense. I'm sure I'm just overlooking this. All I know to do is use the fme server job submitter transformer, but I would like to do it with the automations instead.

To elaborate on this more, the first workspace will create attributes that I then need to pass to the next chained workspace, but I'm unable to figure out how to pass the created attributes to the parameters of the next workspace. Hope this makes sense. I'm sure I'm just overlooking this. All I know to do is use the fme server job submitter transformer, but I would like to do it with the automations instead.

I asked a similar question at an FME World Tour, and was told it was not currently possible to pass parameters between chained workspaces in automations.

Hi @warrengis,

As @jdh mentioned it is not currently possible to pass published parameter values between workspaces in Automations. I have created this idea to gauge interest in this functionality. Please consider adding your vote and some supporting comments as to why this is important to you.

Hi @warrengis,

As @jdh mentioned it is not currently possible to pass published parameter values between workspaces in Automations. I have created this idea to gauge interest in this functionality. Please consider adding your vote and some supporting comments as to why this is important to you.

Thank you @hollyatsafe!
