
FME Flow 2024.0 - PythonCaller - Could not open the address locator

  • 2 April 2024
  • 2 replies

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We recently upgraded to FME Flow 2024.0 and have been struggling with an issue where access to a number of our ArcGIS Server services is being denied at the Flow level.  We were first able to circumvent this by using on-network calls using HTTP however a recent job where we use a PythonCaller to geocode addresses is failing when we attempt to hit our Address Point Locator.  Job works as expected in Form, and we have ArcGIS Server working on the FME hosts, in addition to the ArcGIS Server host that has our working services. 

Has anyone else experienced this so we might know where to look?  Sounds like HTTPS/SSL but I am not sure where to begin to work with our Network Engineers.  

Thank you,

36 2024-4-2 14:19:09 | Message Type: fme::internal::_v0::py::Exception
237 2024-4-2 14:19:09 | Python Exception <ExecuteError>: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
238 2024-4-2 14:19:09 | ERROR 000005: Could not open the address locator.
239 2024-4-2 14:19:09 | Failed to execute (GeocodeAddresses).

2 replies

Userlevel 1
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Hi @nchap !

If you haven’t already, could you please Submit a Case for this with our Support team?

Thank you, 


Badge +1

UPDATE:  Figured it out. 


We needed to add the arcpy.SignInToPortal() function and pass our enterprise admin account credentials prior to the geocoding request.  The geocoder URL is anonymously available but this appeared to be more about having an active license/token to directly interact with the ArcGIS Server python install.   
