
Error when attempting to turn automation off - Have to run jobs via automation

  • 5 January 2024
  • 5 replies

Badge +6


I get the following error when trying to turn automations off, on a new install of FME Flow:

Unable to disable 'run wb': 929028:SQL Query SELECT ncid, connectionname, connectiontype, servicename, username FROM fme_nc_namedconnections WHERE username IS NULL ORDER BY username DESC failed. Error: Could not find prepared statement with handle 1.


I had a look in the forums about a similar error with creating db connections but that doesn't seem to be an issue for me.


I also can't run workbenches using the 'Run workspace' screen as I get this error which is most likely tied to our SSL certificates?

There was an error submitting the job.

This is the reason for the automations - I'm having to trigger jobs through the automation screen to run any jobs


Unfortunately I wasn't involved in the setup of this environment but any advice is welcome.


Many thanks,



5 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Hi @sam_appleton​ ,

I'm sorry to hear you've run into this issue saving Automations. We do not have a known issue for this error, but I have seen similar reports.

  • What version and build of FME Flow are you using?
  • Is this an express, distributed, or fault-tolerant deployment of FME Flow?
  • If you restart FME Flow, does it resolve (even if temporary)?

If preferred, feel free to create a case for this issue with any other supporting details.


The job submission errors are likely unrelated. We have an article that runs through the common causes/solutions (including certificates) for this error: "FME Flow Run Workspace: There was an error submitting the job". Please review and let us know if the issue persists.

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Couple more questions... what is the FME Flow database? The default Postgres, or another, like SQL Server?


Is there any errors reported in the fmeconnection.log?

Badge +6

Hi @sam_appleton​ ,

I'm sorry to hear you've run into this issue saving Automations. We do not have a known issue for this error, but I have seen similar reports.

  • What version and build of FME Flow are you using?
  • Is this an express, distributed, or fault-tolerant deployment of FME Flow?
  • If you restart FME Flow, does it resolve (even if temporary)?

If preferred, feel free to create a case for this issue with any other supporting details.


The job submission errors are likely unrelated. We have an article that runs through the common causes/solutions (including certificates) for this error: "FME Flow Run Workspace: There was an error submitting the job". Please review and let us know if the issue persists.



The current build we're using is :

2023.1.1.1 Build 23636 2-

Tier distributed

Flow DB on Azure SQL


I can't see see any errors in fmeconnection.log


We've restarted the service and that resolved the issue temporarily. I'm also having issues connecting to a gdb located in the shared resources - Not sure if this is connected ?


Badge +6

We experience the same issues since migrating to FME Flow 2023.1

Any updates on a solution for this?

Userlevel 2
Badge +6


For anyone else experiencing this issue please see Known Issues article for workaround on the FMEFLOW-22307 issue.  Please also make a case and reference the ticket number: FMEFLOW-22307. Our team is currently working on a fix for the 2024.1 release. 


Thank you!
