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I'm attempting to send an email at the end of a translation to notify the respective folks that the process has run.

I'm getting an error:

Emailer: <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I've gotten the ip address and the port number with no encryption from the server guys. The machine that I am using for the script has been whitelisted with our SMTP server as well.

This is to be used on a few different scripts, so really need to get this working. I have filled in the to, from, subject, and body of the 'email'. Using Generic SMTP as well. Granted, I am sending to myself, but will be in the long run anyway.


I did a quick Google of this error and it appears there are a number of potential reasons:

  • The email server has a firewall blocking your access
  • The port number is wrong (maybe it is changing unexpectedly)
  • You are using a proxy

Check in FME under Tools > FME Options > Network that no proxy is set (or at least try turning it off if it is set). Also maybe asked your server guys to confirm that port is listening for connections (if you have access to the server, run a netstat command to prove it is listening).

Actually, how are you sending the email? With the Emailer transformer? In a shutdown script? Or with an FME Server notification?
