I have some difficulty with using Feature Writer and Oracle Spatial in FME version 2020.2. My workbench reads from a Shapefile and then I'm using Feature Writer to write the features into Oracle for which I then want to trigger another process. The format I am using is Oracle Spatial Object. The problem is that the Feature Writer will not write the geometry to the records, so I end up with a table with a blank geometry column. I've carried out some investigations to narrow the source of the problem. If I choose Geopackage (instead of Oracle) the geometry is written. If use the standard Oracle Spatial writer with same connection then the geometry isalso written. What am I doing wrong for the Feature Writer to behave like this or is there a bug? Is there a work around?
@theandroidbell Do you see any messages in the log file? If you could attach a small sample dataset and a workspace that reproduces your issue then I'm sure we can narrow down the problem.
I have resolved this issue. On inspecting the warnings I found there was a geometry issue that was stopping the features being written. It is worth noting there was something specific about Feature Writer to Oracle that was falling over on the geometry issue, as using the standing Oracle Spatial Writer had no problems and geometries were written. My solution was to include the geometry validator ahead of the feature writer and fix the issues
@theandroidbell Do you see any messages in the log file? If you could attach a small sample dataset and a workspace that reproduces your issue then I'm sure we can narrow down the problem.
@Mark Stoakes Thank you for your response, I hadn't seen it before posting my answer below.
I have resolved this issue. On inspecting the warnings I found there was a geometry issue that was stopping the features being written. It is worth noting there was something specific about Feature Writer to Oracle that was falling over on the geometry issue, as using the standing Oracle Spatial Writer had no problems and geometries were written. My solution was to include the geometry validator ahead of the feature writer and fix the issues
@theandroidbell if you can send me a sample of that data we can investigate a bit further. Either attach it here of you can send it to mark @ safe.com