Trying to select a single feature using the expression TRACTCE00 = 001811. I've confirmed in my database that this feature actually exists.
However, I get the following error message:
2013-01-18 14:46:19| 0.5| 0.0|ERROR |Error executing SQL command ('declare public_CensusTracts_crsr____ cursor for select "STATEFP00","COUNTYFP00","TRACTCE00","CTIDFP00","NAME00","NAMELSAD00","MTFCC00","FUNCSTAT00", AsEWKB("geom") as "geom" from "public"."CensusTracts" where TRACTCE00=001811'): 'ERROR: column "tractce00" does not exist
LINE 1:") as "geom" from "public"."CensusTracts" where TRACTCE00=...
To clarify: the column in my database is called TRACTCE00, and the error message seems to indicate it doesn't exist. I've tried using single and double quotes but no luck.
Does anybody have an idea?