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Hi all,

I need to connect to a linked server in my SQL Server. Is there a method of connecting to a Server Object using FME?

Alternatively I have a query that collects my data but running it through the SQLCreator doesn't produce any attribution (presumably because FME doesn't natively connect to the data).



Hello @nedwaterman​, thanks for posting! Great question! FME does appear to be able to read from linked server objects. I created a linked server connection in SMSS and was able to consume records using the SQLCreator. You may want to double check your credentials and or query in FME! I’ve included the query below. Note: Be sure to check the results and look in the Feature information window, or expose the attributes to see them in the table view.


Select * from linked server name].ncatalog/db name].nschema].htable]


 Happy to help, Kailin
