I am having issues separating this field in FME:
I would like to have the output in new attributes ie so it gets split up but stays in the row:
240L With Pod180L Residual
Any ideas?
I am having issues separating this field in FME:
I would like to have the output in new attributes ie so it gets split up but stays in the row:
240L With Pod180L Residual
Any ideas?
AttributeSplitter can do that for you. It will create a list, but you can copy the list elements in a AttributeCreator (2015) or AttributeManager (2016) into the needed attributes.
This sort of does what i want but pulling each list element as an attribute i cannot specify where each goes so list{0} in 1 row is different to list{0} in the next
I would first use the AttributeSplitter splitting at the comma, explode that list out using the listexploder and then split the resulting attribute by the -
Then use an attributecreator using the second value of the second list as the attributename, with the first value of the second list as the attributevalue
These attributenames then need to be exposed and then aggregate the output back together based on the original line value (or other unique attribute)