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All: Can someone give me a push? I have a webservice with a .pb extension that I need to read. I've tried the things I thought I knew to do to read it HTTPCaller but to no avail. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The webservice is not responding:

Thanks! I just tried it and it worked? @stalknecht what would you use to read it?

Thanks! I just tried it and it worked? @stalknecht what would you use to read it?

I've tested again but still no response. Is it available from the public internet?


The HTTPCaller is your friend. Can you share the response when you open it in a webbrowser?



VehiclePositions.pb is a Google Protocol Buffer file, under the GTFS-realtime specification.

Unfortunately, FME does not currently have native support for reading GTFS-realtime or Protocol Buffers. We're tracking this task internally as PR67335 and PR67336.
