I am facing a problem with the FeatureWriter Transformer using ESRI Geodatabase ArcSDE GeoDB or File GeoDB. It seems unable to use dynamic schema definitions whenever I use the 'Use Existing' or 'Truncate Existing' modes for Table handling.
With the following workbench, I have one fatal error like the following: "Geodatabase Writer: Feature Class or Table 'd_y_n' must exists when Table Handling is set to 'Use Existing'.". I am using FME 20180430 build 18305 under MS Windows 7 64 bits. Here is the workbench (features are read from a FeatureReader):
Here is the featureWriter configuration:
I really want to be sure that the table structure is left untouched by FME, that's why I am using 'Use Existing' or 'Truncate Existing' mode. If I use 'Create If Needed', it does work!
If I use any other Writer than ESRI Geodatabase (like shape, GPKG, GeoJSON), there is no problem and data are correctly written with 'Use Existing' option set.
Is this a specific bug for ArcSDE GeoDB Writer? Is there a workaround using FeatureWriter without modifying layer structure?