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I have a SystemCaller transformer that runs a script external to FME, and this script writes out a 2gb csv file.


My aim is to use a CSV Reader and an SQL Writer together to get this in to a database.


The issue I'm facing is that the CSV Reader seems to be a starting point, and I cannot connect the output side of the SystemCaller to the input side of the CSV Reader to indicate that it should run once SystemCaller is complete. Is there a strategy that can be used to overcome this? I'd prefer to keep things in the one workflow if I can.

The FeatureReader is what you are looking for. I never use the Classic Readers anymore.

The FeatureReader is what you are looking for. I never use the Classic Readers anymore.

That's awesome. Thank you!

The FeatureReader is what you are looking for. I never use the Classic Readers anymore.

This is exactly the kind of scenario where the FeatureReader (and FeatureWriter) stand out. They give you a lot more options for building complex workflows.
