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Hi, the problem is, that I can't manipulate the directory to output filename in FME Desktop for FME Server, like using ${FME-MF_DIR}. It's also not working if I use an own parameter.

On FME Server there is always the file path of FME Desktop. It's only possible to manipulate the workspace file on FME Server by hand.

Is this a bug in transformer HttpCaller or do you know another way to define an FME Server directory for output filename?

I am using FME(R) 2017.1.2.0 (20171213 - Build 17722 - WIN64)

and FME Server 2017.1.2 - Build 17722 - win64

Best regards,


Hi @mattenp

Do you want to be able to write the HTTPCaller output to a directory under Resources on FME Server? You can do that by using a private parameter in the workspace. For example, if you wanted to write the file to a directory under Resources > Data on FME Server, you could set the output filename in the HTTPCaller to something like the following:



Here's how I set mine up:

Hi Laura,


thanks, that worked, but the next problem is to read the file with the transformer FeatureReader.


There, I can't use the Dataset




Best regards,



Hi Laura,


thanks, that worked, but the next problem is to read the file with the transformer FeatureReader.


There, I can't use the Dataset




Best regards,



Hi @mattenp,


Sorry, I didn't see your response come in until just now. What type of file are you downloading with the HTTPCaller?


The $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA) parameter should also work inside the FeatureReader. When you do that, change the Output port setting on the transformer to 'Single Output Port', then any data FME reads from Resources will be sent out the <Generic> port on the FeatureReader. The workspace won't run on FME Desktop when it's set up like this, but it should run on FME Server.


If that still doesn't work, could you please share a copy of your logfile to this question? Any errors reported may help with sorting out what's going wrong.

