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After processing I would like to fanout my data based on a created attribute (dataset) and fme_feature_type (10 tables) and write it to an Esri geodatabase with a FeatureWriter. In the created attribute are 4 categories, so basically I need a FGDB with 4 datasets and 10 featuretypes each.

So I used the parameter 'Feature Class or Table name' to specify the <variable dataset>/<variable feature type>. It works but the Workbench only creates the first dataset and drops all feature classes and all records in it... What do I miss? Is there a way to let the FeatureWriter create more datasets?


I have not tried this but can you put the Dataset value into the table creation parameters? (requires ArcObjects writer)


I have not tried this but can you put the Dataset value into the table creation parameters? (requires ArcObjects writer)


No... Feature Dataset does not seems like a variable, but I tried it. I get an error message.
