A short introduction to my script so far: I have two readers
a. NewsArticle (s stands for source)
ID-S | Text | Country_S | Sector_S
1. ...
... ...
30 ...
b. Shapefiles of all different sectors
ID-dB | Sector_dB | Country_dB |
1. ....
... ....
30000 .....
The mail goal is to assign the different Newsarticles to the correct sector (in order to map the news). I am doing this by an inlinequery that Takashi suggested. This query's output are all the articles that are both matched by country as by sector. (lets say 14 out of the 30 articles).
I would now like to use the rest of the articles (that have not been assigned to a specific sector) to be linked at the country level. I have a shapefile of all the countries.
I have come up so far with a query that links all the articles to a country, but I only need the ones that are not yet linked to a sector.
Is there an easy filter method or even better a query to efficiently do this?