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I want to export in DWG as "road_CC47" (voies_CC47) many shp files as it is show below.

I want to do an export of "road_CC47" for EACH neighbourhood but the shp files I use include all

the neighbourhoods
of the city. I would like to repeat the process for each
neighbourhood and that the file's name take the neighbourhood's name
such as "road_CC47_1", "road_CC47_2", "road_CC47_3" ...

I don't know how to proceed? I thought I could use a sql query and a spatial filter that loop on the process but I really don't know how to do this in FME.

Could you help me please?



1. Relate the neighbourhood to the roads using a spatialrelator, areaonareaoverlayer or clipper. This adds the attribute to all the roads.

2. Create a autocad writer.

3. In het navigatorpanel (left) go to parameters=> advanced=>"Attribute to fanout on"

Set this attribute to neighbourhood attribute u set at 1.

clear/empty the "fanout prefix".

Do not use fanout on the writer itself, this will cause the neighbourhoods to go to layers instead.
