I need to connect to an api that requires a bearer token in the header for authentication.
This token should be generated with a jwk.
Example to request a token (there are public available examples from the service, so no secrets from my side):
POST /op/v1/token HTTP/1.1
Host: authenticatie.vlaanderen.be
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
the client assertion is a jwt that contains the following:
"iss": "28358814-5c20-4c13-bbff-db5dd8c4ae93",
"sub": "28358814-5c20-4c13-bbff-db5dd8c4ae93",
"aud": "https://authenticatie.vlaanderen.be/op",
"exp": 1592208060,
"jti": "Dkznjsu43dzkd3zjd5",
"iat": 1592208000
The client assertion is an encrypted string where a private key (a pem file) is used to encode the jwt.
Is there a way this can be achieved in FME? Currently this is done in an old python script so looking for a way to either achieve this in FME or looking into upgrading the python script.
(used python libs are pyjwt & cryptography)