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The task is to migrate data from smallworld and oracle to sql-server.

The data contains multiple geometry columns. So I've followed Writing to Database Tables that contain Multiple Geometry Columns

I managed to insert the records but the geometry trait information is missing.

Here is an example of Oracle:AfbeeldingOracleAnd here an example of Smallworld:

AfbeeldingSMallThe FME translation results in sql server:

AfbeeldingSqlSo the traits information is lost.

Can I keep the trait information stored in Smallworld as "Text Rotation" or in Oracle called "oracle_orientation" into the sql db?

Is there an sql-server equivalent?


I am new to this way of storing what I see as attributes but named traits and spread across different geometry parts. My key take on traits to make everything simple, is just to convert them brutally to attributes, if they conflict by name just enumerate them. much easier to work with them as attributes I think.

I am new to this way of storing what I see as attributes but named traits and spread across different geometry parts. My key take on traits to make everything simple, is just to convert them brutally to attributes, if they conflict by name just enumerate them. much easier to work with them as attributes I think.

Thanks @Paal Pedersen​,  that's exactly what I did to solve it. I still don't know if there is a sql-server equivalent.

@stalknecht​ I think you have taken the right approach. It's only Oracle and Smallworld that support oriented points and Oracle and SQL Server don't support text - only Smallworld does.. So you have to move those geometry characteristics (traits) to attributes if you want to preserve them in SQL Server
