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Why does Fme workbench  is still running after Translation was successful message is displayed in the translation log window ?





The application workbench.exe is the graphical user interface used to author .fmw workspace files. These files can be executed either from within workbench.exe or directly from the command line. In both cases, the .fmw file is not executed by workbench.exe, but rather by fme.exe that is started "silently" by workbench.exe. So fme.exe and workbench.exe are in fact two completely separate applications.



When you execute a .fmw workspace file from workbench.exe, it actually sends the workspace to fme.exe, which is then sending its output to the log window in workbench.exe.



Fme.exe terminates when then translation terminates, while workbench.exe terminates when you manually close the graphical user interface.



Hi Dave ,



Thanks for your reply.



But my issue is the Fme.exe is not terminating after i get  "Translation was successfu" l message in my workbench screen. I checked the task manager and  fme.exe was still available over there.



Inorder to exit it, i need to abort the operation. Can u suggest me any fix for this ?





Ok, I see. As you say, fme.exe ought to terminate when the translation ends. If not, there might be something wrong in your workspace or in a library called by the workspace.



Do you have any warnings or errors in your log file?



Unfortunately, I have yet to find a quick and easy cure-all to these types of errors.



Hi David,



Below is the log summary



2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|STATS |==============================================================================


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|STATS |Total Features Written                                                       8


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|INFORM|Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 1 warning(s) (8 feature(s) output)


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|INFORM|FME Session Duration: 1 minute 19.0 seconds. (CPU: 24.1s user, 3.3s system)


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|INFORM|END - ProcessID: 5392, peak process memory usage: 657680 kB, current process memory usage: 651704 kB


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|STATS |==============================================================================


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|STATS |Total Features Written                                                       8


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|INFORM|Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 1 warning(s) (8 feature(s) output)


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|INFORM|FME Session Duration: 1 minute 19.0 seconds. (CPU: 24.1s user, 3.3s system)


2013-06-05 11:29:46|  27.5|  0.0|INFORM|END - ProcessID: 5392, peak process memory usage: 657680 kB, current process memory usage: 651704 k


Hi Srini,



One possible reason I can imagine is that you are using a WorkspaceRunner and set 'No' to the 'Wait for Job to Complete' parameter.


Hi Takashi,



I am not using Workspace runner transformer  in my workbench.



Actually, this fme workbench will update my sde featureclass based on a csv input. This workbench works fine for one database and fme.exe gets exited after translation is succesful but when pointed to another database, after translation is successful , fme.exe is not exiting.
Do you have anything on the workspace shutdown script?
Hi Muratgu,



I did not include any shut down script.
Are you running the latest version, i.e. FME 2013 SP1?



If not, consider an upgrade. If you're already on the latest version, consider sending the issue to Safe support.



Hi David,



I am using FME Desktop 2012 SP2, Build : 12235



in that case, I strongly recommend that you upgrade to at least SP4, which was the latest version of FME2012.



It is available by ftp here:



