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Hi folks!

I am torn as to what workflow to use between FME and python. I am more comfortable with FME so hopefully FME would be the winner here.

The workflow I am trying to achieve for the business user is to have a GIS editable feature layer containing field summaries translate into a docx with a table template (ideally with the same attributes as the GIS feature layer).

A sample of the table template in the docx is below:

Any time a new field summary project gets entered into the GIS editable feature layer, ideally, a net new Word document with a separate table with populated values from the GIS editable feature layer will populate in the corresponding values in the table within the docx. Any updates that are made to existing field work project records within the GIS editable feature layer would have the updated records/values also translate into the associated Word Document with table template values as well.

So in the above, the values from the project name, date, crew, permits, division, description and date from the GIS feature class would get pushed into the relevant table values of the same named fields in the template docx (and generate a net new docx for each new field summary project, or find the existing docx and have the relevant table values be updated when any of the corresponding records in GIS gets updated).

Would this be a somewhat common workflow that one would be able to accomplish with FME and GIS or would you think this would be more suited to Python?

I am working to add in placeholders in the appropriate blank column (i.e. <<Project_Name», <<Crew», <<Date», etc) but am having trouble finding a Word based Transformer that would replace these placeholders with the appropriate field values from the GIS FC. When I am experimenting with the MSWordStyler, it seems to populate a new table but in the format as the screenshot  above with each horizontal row being populated in the table.

Thanks in advance!


I have done some document creation with FME.

The MSWordStyler and Writer can start with a template and use its styling, its main limitation is the writer can only append to an existing document. It can’t replace values within a template. If all you require is a simple table with styles, or combinations of text tables and images, then it should do the trick, and you can recreate the table or whole document after any attribute change. It’s better to stick with something simple if that’s all you need.

If you need content type which is not supported by the WordStyler, then python is the best (only?) option. The WordStyler limitations I hit were with hyperlinks, in-document references, and replicating the required closing page for the document. This was a useful resource for going down the python route. Basically the idea is you set up ‘parameters’ in your template document, define a python function to replace text or images within a document, and then just:

doc = docx.Document(inputfilename)

docx_find_replace_text(doc, feature.getAttribute('parameter1_name'), feature.getAttribute('parameter1_value'))
docx_find_replace_text(doc, feature.getAttribute('parameter2_name'), feature.getAttribute('parameter2_value'))


In my experience, I’ve always ended up with a combination of fme and python/docx to create/manipulate any word documents with even slight complexity, i.e. images/hyperlinks. 


MSWordStyler how to include picture in table? | Community

Does this have to be in Word? If an HTML page is also ok, you could try the  HTMLReportGenerator.

That said: a docx is in the basis not much more than an xml document (see for yourself: rename the extension from .docx to .zip, then unzip...). So you could go down that route and modify the underlying xml, then re-zip everything to a docx. But that requires some reverse engineering.


​@ctredinnick Got locked out of my hawaiialex account! But thank you for the response! I only require it to input are attributes and images that will be attached within the EGDB, but not hyperlinks luckily. The only thing is I’ll need to create the table in a different style than the generic stacked tables and have it be 

Header1 Header2
Attribute1 Values
Attribute2 Values
Attribute3 Values


I was digging around and found that I could play around with the AttributeExploder before the MSWordStyler to achieve this. I’ll work on a template file in the meantime and experiment with this simpler approach before tackling the python! Thanks again!

Hello ​@hawaiialex / ​@boomer87, sorry to hear you were locked out of your community account. Firstly, you can reset your password to recover your hawaiialex account using the instructions from the FME Account FAQ (see: I forgot my FME Account password)!

Secondly, I am in agreeance, I think python may be the best route. If I recall correctly, FME's MS Word Writer leverages base files opposed to template files. The writer does not delete or modify the base file in any way. Instead you can apply styles to the base file which is explained in this article. 

As an alternative to python, you could try working with the XML files contained within the docx archive directly. However, this method does require knowledge of XML in FME, which is not always the simplest (eg. unzipping the .docx, using XQueryXMLExtractor, XMLUpdater, rezipping the .docx, etc). Hope this helps, Kailin!

Hi ​@ctredinnick , ​@kailinatsafe , ​@ebygomm, ​@s.jager 

Thank you so much for your responses and tips 🙂 It does need to be in docx word so I hadn’t played around with HTML.

I’ve taken advice and experimented with python to get almost the desired results. Right now I have the template in docx format and all the relevant field values are being extracted from the GIS feature class and replacing the <<placeholder» text in the word document as intended.

However, I am just having trouble getting the <<DESCRIPTION» and <<PROJECT_NAME» to be replaced with the relevant values from the feature class in the header of the docx. It is still showing up as the placeholders. Are there any tips to ensure the header/footer info is updated? The header should have the description and project name while the footer should have the date in DD MONTH YYYY format.

import arcpy

import docx

# Define the paths

inputfilename = r"C:\FieldSummary_TEMPLATE.docx"

outputfilename = r"C:\FieldSummary_TEMPLATE_SAVED.docx"

feature_class = r"C:\pathwaytowork.gdb\featureclassname"

# Function to replace text, handling multiple runs

def docx_find_replace_text(doc, old_text, new_text):

    for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:

        if old_text in paragraph.text:

            inline = paragraph.runs

            for i in range(len(inline)):

                if old_text in inlineri].text:

                    inlineni].text = inline

    for table in doc.tables:

        for row in table.rows:

            for cell in row.cells:

                for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:

                    if old_text in paragraph.text:

                        inline = paragraph.runs

                        for i in range(len(inline)):

                            if old_text in inlineÂi].text:

                                inlinebi].text = inlineÂi].text.replace(old_text, new_text)

# Function to replace text in headers

def docx_find_replace_header(doc, old_text, new_text):

    for section in doc.sections:

        header = section.header

        for paragraph in header.paragraphs:

            if old_text in paragraph.text:

                inline = paragraph.runs

                for i in range(len(inline)):

                    if old_text in inlinebi].text:

                        inlinepi].text = inline/i].text.replace(old_text, new_text)                                


# Load the Word document

doc = docx.Document(inputfilename)

# Define the mapping between placeholders and feature class fields

field_mapping = {



    "<<CREW>>": "CREW",

    "<<PERMIT>>": "PERMIT",



    "<<DATE>>": "DATE",

    "<<DIST_REQ_1>>": "DIST_REQ_1",

    "<<DIST_REQ_2>>": "DIST_REQ_2",

    "<<HISTORY>>": "HISTORY",

    "<<SUB_OB_1>>": "SUB_OB_1",

    "<<SUB_OB_2>>": "SUB_OB_2",

    "<<ARCH_OB>>": "ARCH_OB",

    "<<REC>>": "REC"


# Get the feature class fields (values from the mapping)

feature_fields = list(field_mapping.values())

# Iterate through the feature class

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(feature_class, feature_fields) as cursor:

    for feature in cursor:

        for placeholder, field in field_mapping.items():

            # Find the index of the field in the feature_fields list

            field_index = feature_fields.index(field)


            # Get the corresponding value from the feature

            value = feature field_index]


            # Replace the placeholder with the value

            docx_find_replace_text(doc, placeholder, str(value))


   # Replace the placeholder in the header for PROJECT_NAME and DESCRIPTION

            if placeholder in  "<<PROJECT_NAME>", "<<DESCRIPTION>>"]:

                docx_find_replace_header(doc, placeholder, str(value))

# Save the updated document

