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My workspace importing into Smallwold was working, but now I am getting error message saying that the SW enumerator set doesn't have 'unset' as a value?



Dose anyone know what this means and how to fix it?
I'm guessing the log file doesn't specify which attribute doesn't have 'unset' as a value, correct?  This is an ongoing frustration I have as it leads to work arounds to identify the offending attribute.  Here's what I do:




1.)  Identify what attributes on the feature have enumerators as values in Smallworld. 


2.)  Disable the Smallworld writer in FME and add an Excel writer.  Copy attributes from SW writer to Excel writer.


3.)  Run the workspace.  Open the Excel file and run a pivot table report on each of the attributes that have enumerated values (from Smallworld).  This will help you identify which of the SW attributes in your data have 'unset' or null values. 


4.)  Run testers on the attributes looking for 'unset' values.  Either omit these from writing to Smallworld or use various other FME transformers to set values.



In summary, whenever I run into this, I try to isolate the offending records in Excel before I push to Smallworld.



Hope this helps.
