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Hello Forum,


I’m attempting a fanout on a geojson file based on specifying an attribute.


This is a simple task which I’ve carried out dozens of times before with success on other datasets. However, for some unknown reason it’s failing to fanout on a particular dataset.


I’ve read in the geojson with FeatureReader. This is connected to a to a FeatureWriter. In the FeatureWriter I have…


Selected format: Geojson (Geographic JavaScript Object Notation)

Browsed to a destination UNC path and ensured the .geojson extension is shown. Note that the geojson writer it defaults to .json extension, so you have to change it to .geojson manually.

In Parameters changed ‘Reproject to WGS84’ to No

In General>Feature Type Name selected ‘open text editor ‘ and then selected Primary_Function from the FME Feature Attributes list. Note that Primary_Function is the attribute I wish to fanout on. The attribute exists in the source dataset and does contain values.


However, this then fails to write fanned out geojsons to the specified destination.


I feel as though I’m doing everything correct here. This is a straightforward task which I’ve completed successfully many times before. So, I don’t really understand why it’s failing to fanout.


Any ideas?




Are you getting an output at all and if so, is that called jjjjjj.json?

Hi redgeographic


Yes, I do get the jjjjjj.geojson output. However this is just a dummy entry into ‘Dataset’. This is added because the Writer wants a file name at this point. It’s not intended to be the name of the fanned out files, this the odd name.

Fanned out files based on the Primary_Function attribute do not get written.




Try this in the Dataset name:


@dustin , that worked for me. Thanks.


It's odd that the usual approach (selecting the attribute through Feature Type Name> text editor) did not work on this occasion. Especially, since it usually does.


Anyway, your option of stating the fanout in Dataset works well.




Did you have the parameter Fanout Dataset set correctly?

Thanks for the response, @matthieuv . Your screenshot is referring to what would be seen if using a standard Writer. However I’m using a FeatureWriter, and this doesn’t appear with those.

Anyway, the earlier suggestion by Dustin was successful.

