Hi all,
I am using the Overwrite Existing Geodatabase/Template Geodatabase functionality:

This creates a new copy of my gdb with a “_yyyymmdd” suffix.
However, if my users run this multiple times a day, they have to delete the output of the previous run.
I would prefer there to be a “_yyyymmdd_N” suffix, with N being incremented for every time the workspace has finished running that day.
What is the sleekest way to implement this?
I now have built something with a Path FeatureReader and a combination of Testers and StringConcatenators to filter out and manipulate the different filenames with either no suffix, a date suffix or a date+N suffix. Then FeatureJoiners to join the different path features into one:

It works but its bulky and it feels overengineered.
Any inputs?
Kind regards,