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Hi,  I have just started using FME 2012 (previously used FME 2009 on a pretty basic level) and noticed the new Dynamic Schema option.



I have tried it, but can't find where my output file is going?  I have set the output directory but it is not writing to there...



Hi Aquamarine,



sounds strange... can you tell me what reader and writer format you use?



Do you receive an error message in the log file?



Best regards,




You right click on you write and click on the "Open containnning folder", then you the explorer opens with the folder that contain your output file.



Thanks.  I realised that the actual problem is that no features are being written...  Is there something I need to do differently when using Dynamic Schema?



What exactly are the benefits of Dynamic Schema?






The advantage is that the source schema is read and transfered to the output schema, so no need to map the attributes.


This FME evangelist post explains it in more detail.



Itay - thanks for the explanation.  That is what I am attempting to do, so at least I know I am on the right track.



Stefan - I am reading from shapefile, then using a custom built coordinate system transformer to transform coordinate sytems, and then writing back to shapefile.  However as mentioned before, even though it is saying "translation successful", I am getting 0 features output...  It must be something to do with a setting, but I can't workout what..



Oh and here is the error message I am getting:


Features not written - verify feature type fanout/dynamic settings


(Check that fanout/dynamic feature type attribute exists and has a value)




Total features not written 10



I can create a list of schemas and tables, using a SQLCreator

select schema_name(t.schema_id) as schema_name, as table_name
from sys.tables t

and then i can use that in an SQLExecutor

select top 10 *
from >@Value(schema_name)]. @Value(table_name)]

and this is where i get stuck, as each table will have different attributes to expose.


I have also tried using a dynamic reader & writer combination, but couldn't workout how to stop it reading all the records in each table (which would take way too long to run). 


i'd appreciate any help you can offer. 




Thanks Itay,


Do you know any possible reason why this would be happening and how I can fix it?

