
Copying and truncating data table from AGOL to a File Geodatabase

  • 19 October 2021
  • 3 replies

Badge +6


I created a FME workspace in which I connect to a web service published on AGOL. The service consists of a point feature layer (inventory layer) and a linked table (inspection table), used with the Field Maps application to perform regular inspections.


The main objectives are among others:

  • Extract the weekly inspection results in Excel format
  • Archive inspection data as an existing file Geodatabase, but keeping only inspection table results for all subsequent inspections
  • Then truncate the inspection table in AGOL.

The first goal has been successfully achieved, unfortunately I am struggling to complete the next steps of copying the data from the inspection table to the File Geodatabase and then truncating the results from the inspection table after the execution of the first step.

Could someone show me how to implement the steps to copy data from inspection table to file geodatabase and delete data from table in AGOL?

Thank you for your help!


3 replies


The AGOL writer assumes an ArcGIS OBJECTID as its key and uses that for updates and deletes. So, I had success reading the featues from an AGOL feature layer and then writing them back to the same AGOL feature layer with the writer mode set to delete.

Userlevel 1
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If you want to truncate the entire table, it's probably more efficient to make an API call to do that rather than sending multiple deletes to the writer, but you could also write a single record to the AGOL later with the option to first truncate the table and then delete that record.


So you want to use a FeatureWriter to write to the FileGDB then use the summary port as the trigger for the next part of the process.

Badge +6

Hi @drother and @ebygomm​ 


Thank you for the feedback on the question I asked on the forum last October 2021. Not having had an answer since, I had to resign myself to a rather middle-of-the-road solution. The workflow process consists of reading and extracting data to an Excel output from the information entered by fieldworkers with the FieldMaps application of ArcGIS through a join between the feature layer (point geometry) and the inspection table in ArcGIS Online. This phase was successfully completed. Next, write the results of the field inspection form to a table in the Geodatabase file. And finally create another Workbench to delete the data from the inspection table once the archive of it is finished.

My workflow may be trivial, but I admit that your workflow seems more simple and logical to me.


However, I redesigned the logic of the work process in the ESRI environment with Model Builder. Instead of deleting the inspection data once the weekly tour is over, I simply reset the data of the table join which allows thematic to be created on inspected or uninspected assets. So from now on, I don't need to empty the inspection table, because joining it with the entity layer allows me to create a dynamic dashboard.

