I have some data that I read using Single Merged Feature Type (about 40 individual featuretypes). Most of the featuretypes have an attribute "A_num" (numbers). Now I need to create a new attribute "A_txt" with the text-values for those numbers. The text-values are different though for different tables. I have an excel sheet with the following columns: table, attributname (= A_num), value, text-value.
So I guess I have to do something like that: Filter the inputdata for individual featuretypes, merge the data for each featuretype with the excelsheet and map the text-values to the new attribute "A-txt".
I think, this is quite complicated and there has to be a more elegant way to do it. I have a second excelsheet with all the table names. Maybe I could somehow loop through this, and do the filtering based on the table names? Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.