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Hi,  I am trying to do a Batch Deploy using the Wizard in FME 2009, but am running into some trouble.



I selected three datasets in the "Select Source Data" dialog and then selected the directory I want the outputs to be saved into in the "Set Destination Location for" dialog and checked "Retain source dataset basename in destination path".  However, after running it, it is producing an output on the first dataset and nothing for the rest, and the output it is producing does not have the soure dataset as its basename!  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...



If the first is working but the rest aren't, check the following:


  • In the source feature type's parameters, check that there is a "Merge Filter" of *



  • In the destination feature type's parameters, check that the "Fanout by Attribute" box is selected and that the attribute selected is the fme_basename or fme_feature_type. If these aren't available, expose them via the source feature type's "Format Attribute" tab.
Hope this helps
Thanks Kathy,



The "Fanout by Attribute" fixed it 🙂
