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I upgraded from v2015 to v2016 today, and I have noticed that a user parameter that is derived from another user parameter is not upgraded properly.

In the attached Workspace, I am creating a SiteName parameter based on the input filename. And I also create a SiteNameGDB parameter for the output filename, based on the SiteName parameter. Unfortunately, when opening this workspace - which worked fine in v2015.0 - in v2016, it has replaced the expression $(SiteNameGDB) with the literal string "__SiteNameGDB_"

Is this a bug?

See attached screenshot of the workspace in FME 2015.0 and 2016.0

Hi Arnold

I filed this with our developers. The reference is PR#67755. Could you file a case with the support team and pass on that reference number. Then they'll be able to get that sorted for you.

The support URL is



Mark Ireland

Product Evangelist

Safe Software Inc.

I think what's happened is that in 2016 we got more strict about what characters are allowed in a Writer. Since those are invalid characters in that format, we automatically replaced them (whereas we didn't before).

The developers are looking into this - but you could also fix this by setting it with the fanout functionality. I made a short movie to demonstrate how:

Hi Arnold

I filed this with our developers. The reference is PR#67755. Could you file a case with the support team and pass on that reference number. Then they'll be able to get that sorted for you.

The support URL is



Mark Ireland

Product Evangelist

Safe Software Inc.

I think what's happened is that in 2016 we got more strict about what characters are allowed in a Writer. Since those are invalid characters in that format, we automatically replaced them (whereas we didn't before).

The developers are looking into this - but you could also fix this by setting it with the fanout functionality. I made a short movie to demonstrate how:

I think what's happened is that in 2016 we got more strict about what characters are allowed in a Writer. Since those are invalid characters in that format, we automatically replaced them (whereas we didn't before).

The developers are looking into this - but you could also fix this by setting it with the fanout functionality. I made a short movie to demonstrate how:

Reported fixed for FME2016.1

I think what's happened is that in 2016 we got more strict about what characters are allowed in a Writer. Since those are invalid characters in that format, we automatically replaced them (whereas we didn't before).

The developers are looking into this - but you could also fix this by setting it with the fanout functionality. I made a short movie to demonstrate how:

Cheers Mark. I have made the corrections as shown, and good to hear it'll be fixed in the next release.
